Avoid dry skin this winter

December 16, 2021

Winter can be a magical time of year, but it can also be detrimental to your health, including your skin.
Cold air and harsh winds, combined with dry indoor air, can dry out skin, leading to a dull, ruddy appearance with chapping, cracking, and flaking. While your medical provider may need to intervene if your skin is severely dehydrated, there are steps you can take to prevent this. 

Protect yourself outdoors. Don’t skip the sunscreen - up to 80% of the sun’s rays infiltrate cloud coverage. Snow can also reflect the sun, projecting it back on you. Apply sunscreen with a minimum 30 SPF to your face, neck, and hands at least 30 minutes before going outdoors. Also, limit skin exposure by using scarves, gloves, hats, and sunglasses. 

Avoid long, hot showers. A long, steaming shower or bath feels fantastic on cold days, but it can inflame your skin and cause itchiness. Instead, use warm or lukewarm water and limit your time in the tub to 10 minutes or less. Also, try to use minimal soap, as this can also strip skin of its essential oils. After showering and patting dry, apply moisturizer to your body, hands, and face. 

Use gentle, nourishing skincare products. Your summer skincare regimen may not be suitable in winter. Use gentle cleansers that won’t strip the skin of its natural oils, avoiding ingredients like lanolin, fragrance, astringents, and petrolatum. Also, apply intensive moisturizers twice a day in the morning and before bed. Consider using cosmetic oils like argan, jojoba, maracuja, or avocado after applying the cream for additional nourishment and hydration. 

Invest in a humidifier. Many people rely on their HVAC systems to keep their houses at comfortable temperatures during winter, but the added warmth can remove moisture in the air. To combat this, consider installing a humidifier to add moisture back to the air to balance the drying effect of heaters. You can purchase a single-room model or consider investing in a whole-home version, which integrates with your HVAC system.

If you have concerns regarding your skin this winter, schedule an appointment with your medical provider at Mille Lacs Health System by calling 320-532-3154.