Diabetes Education

Education at Mille Lacs Health System helps you better understand and manage your disease. We teach skills for healthy eating, blood sugar monitoring, exercise, and managing your medication.

Our Diabetes Support Group meets the 4th Thursday of the month. 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in the Key Contributor Conference Room on the Onamia campus. Located just inside the main entrance. 

Follow this link to view the event dates and topics for the meetings.

Choose small group classes or one-on-one education—whatever makes you the most comfortable. For any questions related to programs, classes, groups, and more, call our Diabetes Educator at 320-532-2337.


Our Diabetes Educator will design an individualized plan for you, including tools and support to set you up for success. Some of our resources include: 

  • The Continuous Glucose Monitoring systems, a small device that gives your clinicians an in-depth glucose check, revealing glucose fluctuations that fingersticks and even A1c tests can miss.

  • Support groups that offer encouragement, education, problem-solving, and valuable feedback.