Men's Health Month

June 10, 2021

June is National Men’s Health Month. The goal is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.

Historically men ignore symptoms and pain until it's a bigger problem. Early detection, of so many diseases and health issues, is proven to produce better outcomes.

Annual check-ups are a good practice to start now. At these annual check-ups, in addition to a wellness exam, other important health-related items such as immunizations & screenings can be taken care of. You and your provider will determine when and if you need other certain screenings based on risk factors and family history.

Besides the direct effect annual check-ups can have on your health and peace of mind, there is another reason to start them sooner than later; having regular check-ups is important in establishing a relationship with a medical provider. Having a relationship established and creating baseline health information is helpful to have in the event a health concern does develop.

A health concern unique to men is testicular cancer. One in every 250 males will develop testicular cancer at some point during their lifetime. According to the American Cancer Society, the incidence rate in the U.S. has been increasing over the last few decades.

Mille Lacs Health System Physician Assistant Josh Kruize shares why although it is one of the more rare cancers, it is something to be watchful for especially for young men.

“Compared with other types of cancer, testicular cancer is rare, but is the most common type of cancer in American males between ages 15 – 34” Kruize said. “This type of cancer can usually be cured, even in late stages of the disease, but it is important to present to your primary care provider if you notice any symptoms such as painless nodules or masses in the testis.”

Whether you are a father, uncle, son, or friend, prioritizing your health and setting a good example for the younger generations is a wonderful gift to give those you care about, and yourself.

To schedule your next check-up with an MLHS medical provider call 320-532-3154.